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How to Setup Schedule Task(CRON JOB) to exexute an URL in WebsitePanel ?

This article will show you step by step how to setup a scheduled task in WebsitePanel to execute a URL(CRON Job) at specific time or at specified intervals of time.

  1. Login to the Hosting Control Panel by following this link panel.meinfoway.com 

  2. Click on Scheduled Task menu icon.
    Scheduled Task

  3. Click on Add Scheduled Task button.

  4. Enter the Title of scheduled task
    Scheduled Task Title

  5. select Check Web Site Availability from the drop down menu as Task Type

    The page will refresh and load additional settings

  6. Enter the full URL of your file in the following format: http://www.youdomain.com/filename.php

  7. Choose the required execution period and execution time to schedule the execution.

  8. Click on Save button.
Your scheduled task / CRON job is now ready to execute at the provided timetable.
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